Simulating Statistical Power

Statistical power
Power represents the ability of a statistical test to detect an effect that is real. It depends on four main elements:
  • the type I error (i.e., the criterion which determinates how unlikely a positive result must be for the null hypothesis to be rejected)
  • the effect size (i.e., the magnitude of the effect of interest in the population)
  • the sample size used to detect the effect (i.e. which determinates the amount of sampling error inherent in the test results)
  • the variability (i.e., the standard deviation of the sample)

Why power matters
Estimating the statistical power (i.e., power analysis) could be very useful before collecting the data.
The power analysis allows you to decide:
  • how large a sample is needed to enable statistical judgments that are accurate and reliable
  • how likely a statistical test will be to detect effects of a given size in a particular situation.

How to estimate power
Power can be determined analytically, by setting all parameters that affect it. Alternatively, it can be estimated by simulating data, performing statistical tests on them, and calculating the proportion of p-values that fall below the chosen significance criterion.

What is power?

While we are always focusing on Type I error (i.e., false positive), we frequently ignore that by decreasing alpha the power becomes lower. The power is determined by subtracting the Type II error (i.e. false negative) from 1. It is the probability to correctly reject H0 when it is false. In other worlds, the power is the ability of a test to detect an effect that is real.

Simulated power

The statistical power could be estimated by simulating data. It requires the following steps:
  1. Specify the effect size, the randomization procedure (e.g., normally distributed data), the test statistic, and the significance level (i.e., alpha) that will be used.
  2. Generate random samples from the distribution specified in the previous step.
  3. Calculate the test statistic from the simulated data and determine if the null hypothesis is accepted or rejected.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 several thousand times and count the number of times the simulated data lead to a rejection of the null hypothesis.
The power of the test is the proportion of simulated samples that lead to a rejection of H0.
Note that as the number of simulations increases, the precision of the power estimate will increase as well. Also note that if you set the hypothesized parameter equal to the true parameter (i.e., an effect size of zero), the power equals alpha.

Power estimation in a one-sample t test

By setting the mean and the standard deviation of the simulated samples, and the mean under the null hypotesis and the significance criterion, you can estimate the power for a one-sample t test.

Here you can think of an experiment, where participants compare two sounds with different frequencies. One is given (hypothesized mean), the participant has to adjust the other (true mean), so that they cannot hear the difference. The app will simulate data for the participants, and calculate the power of a one-sample t test, to compare the hypothesized mean and the true mean.

Power estimation in a two-sample t test

Here you want to estimate the power of your statistical test in detecting true differences among the means of two samples. You need to set the size, the mean and the standard deviation of both groups.

Now think of an experiment, where you compare two different groups of participants. Maybe you have a group of hearing impaired participants and one group of normal participants. In your experiment all participants have to adjust the frequency of a sound.

Power estimation in a one-way analysis of variance

Finally, let's complicate the situation a bit! Now there are three groups and you are performing a one-way ANOVA, by testing the effect of a factor with three levels (e.g., treatment, placebo, nothing).

Think of an experiment, where you compare three different groups of participants. Maybe you examine hearing impaired participants, and one group gets a hearing aid, the other group gets a cochlea implant, and the third groups does not receive any support. All groups have to adjust the frequency of the sound.

Power estimation in a one-way analysis of variance with repeated measures

Let's think of a new situation. You observe just one group at three different times (e.g., before (pre), during, and after (post) a treatment). As you want to test the effect of the time, you are performing a one-way ANOVA with repeated measures.

Now think of an experiment, where you compare one group of participants at three different times. Maybe you have a training for hearing the frequency of a sound, and you test your participants before, during and after the training.

show with app

ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Simulating Statistical Power"),
          HTML("<b>Purpose of the app</b><br>
               This shiny app aims to help students to understand what is
               statistical power and to estimate it through simulated data.
               The app allows the user to perform simulations with commonly
               used tests, such  as one- and two-sample t test and one-way
               ANOVA with and without repeated measures.")
          HTML("<br><b>Statistical power</b><br>
               Power represents the ability of a statistical test to detect
               an effect that is real.
               It depends on four main elements: 
               <li><b>the type I error</b> (i.e., the criterion which 
               determinates how unlikely a positive result must be 
               for the null hypothesis to be rejected)</li>
               <li><b>the effect size</b> (i.e., the magnitude of the 
               effect of interest in the population)</li>
               <li><b>the sample size used to detect the effect</b> 
               (i.e. which determinates the amount of sampling error inherent 
               in the test results)</li>
               <li><b>the variability</b> (i.e., the standard deviation of 
               the sample)</li>
               <b>Why power matters</b>
               <br>Estimating the statistical power (i.e., power analysis)
               could be very useful <i>before</i> collecting the data.
               <br>The power analysis allows you to decide:
               <li>how large a sample is needed to enable statistical 
               judgments that are accurate and reliable</li>
               <li>how likely a statistical test will be to detect 
               effects of a given size in a particular situation.</li>
               <b>How to estimate power</b>
               <br>Power can be determined analytically, by setting all 
               parameters that affect it.
               Alternatively, it can be estimated by simulating data,
               performing statistical tests on them, and calculating the
               proportion of p-values that fall below the chosen significance 
    tabPanel("What is power?", 
          HTML("<br> Change the value of Alpha and see how the power changes!
          sliderInput("Alpha", "Alpha", .001,.999,0.05),
          HTML("<br> Let the red cross be your sample mean.
               You want to know if its mean is different from a hypothetical
               value.Thus, you perform a statistical test in order to make a
               decision on rejecting or not rejecting the null hypothesis
               (i.e., no difference).<br><br>")
          h3("What is power?"),
            HTML("While we are always focusing on <b>Type I error</b> 
                 (i.e., false positive), we frequently ignore that by 
                 decreasing alpha the power becomes lower. The power is 
                 determined by subtracting the <b>Type II error</b> (i.e. 
                 false negative) from 1. It is the probability
                 to correctly reject H0 when it is false. In other 
                 worlds, the power is the ability of a test to detect an 
                 effect that is real.
         h3("Simulated power"),
         HTML("The statistical power could be estimated by simulating data.
               It requires the following steps:
               <li>Specify the effect size, the randomization procedure (e.g.,
               normally distributed data), the test statistic, and the
               significance level (i.e., alpha) that will be used.</li>
               <li>Generate random samples from the distribution specified
               in the previous step.</li>
               <li>Calculate the test statistic from the simulated data
               and determine if the null hypothesis is accepted or
               <li>Repeat steps 2 and 3 several thousand times and count
               the number of times the simulated data lead to a rejection of
               the null hypothesis.</li>
               The power of the test is <b>the proportion of simulated 
               samples that lead to a rejection of H0</b>.
               <br> Note that as the number of simulations increases, the
               precision of the power estimate will increase as well.
               Also note that if you set the hypothesized parameter equal to
               the true parameter (i.e., an effect size of zero), the power
               equals alpha."),
    tabPanel("One-sample t test",
          h4("Sample size"),numericInput("n","", 20, min = 5, max = 200),
          h4("Hypothesized mean"),sliderInput("mu1", "", 400, 420, 405),
          h4("True mean"),sliderInput("mu2", "", 400, 420, 405),
          h4("Standard deviation"),sliderInput("sd", "", 1, 20, 8),
          h4("Alpha"),radioButtons("alpha", "", c(".01", ".05", ".10"),
          selected = ".05", inline = TRUE),
          h4("Number of replicates"),
          radioButtons("nrep", "", c("500", "1000", "5000"),
            selected = "1000", inline = TRUE),
          actionButton("simulate", "Simulate power")
          h3("Power estimation in a one-sample t test"),
          HTML("By setting the mean and the standard deviation of the 
               simulated samples, and the mean under the null hypotesis and 
               the significance criterion, you can estimate the power for a 
               one-sample t test.
               <br><br> Here you can think of an experiment, where 
               participants compare two sounds with different frequencies. One
               is given (hypothesized mean), the participant has to adjust
               the other (true mean), so that they cannot hear the difference. 
               The app will simulate data for the participants, and calculate 
               the power of a one-sample t test, to compare the hypothesized 
               mean and the true mean."),
      ), value = "One-sample t test"
    tabPanel("Two-sample t test",
          h4("Sample size"),
          numericInput("tn1", "Group 1", 20, min = 5, max = 200),
          numericInput("tn2", "Group 2", 20, min = 5, max = 200),
          sliderInput("tmu1", "Group 1", 400, 420, c(405)),
          sliderInput("tmu2", "Group 2", 400, 420, c(405)),
          h4("Standard deviation"),
          sliderInput("tsd1", "Group 1", 1, 20, 8),
          sliderInput("tsd2", "Group 2", 1, 20, 8),
          (radioButtons("talpha", "", c(".01", ".05", ".10"), 
          selected = ".05", inline = TRUE)),
          h4("Number of replicates"),
          radioButtons("nrep","", c("500", "1000", "5000"), 
          selected = "1000", inline = TRUE),
          actionButton("tsimulate", "Simulate power")
          h3("Power estimation in a two-sample t test"),
          HTML("Here you want to estimate the power of your statistical 
               test in detecting true differences among the means of two 
               You need to set the size, the mean and the standard deviation 
               of both groups.
               Now think of an experiment, where you compare two 
               different groups of participants. Maybe you have a group of 
               hearing impaired participants and one group of normal
               participants. In your experiment all participants have to
               adjust the frequency of a sound."),
    tabPanel("One-way ANOVA",
          h4("Sample size"),
          numericInput("an1", "Group 1", 20, min = 5, max = 200),
          numericInput("an2", "Group 2", 20, min = 5, max = 200),
          numericInput("an3", "Group 3", 20, min = 5, max = 200),
          sliderInput("amu1", "Group 1", 400, 420, c(405)),
          sliderInput("amu2", "Group 2", 400, 420, c(405)),
          sliderInput("amu3", "Group 3", 400, 420, c(405)),
          h4("Standard deviation"),
          sliderInput("s1", "Group 1", 1, 20, 8),
          sliderInput("s2", "Group 2", 1, 20, 8),
          sliderInput("s3", "Group 3", 1, 20, 8),
          radioButtons("aalpha", "", c(".01", ".05", ".10"), 
          selected = ".05", inline = TRUE), 
          h4("Number of replicates"),
          radioButtons("anrep","", c("500", "1000", "5000"), 
          selected = "1000", inline = TRUE),
          actionButton("asimulate", "Simulate power")
          h3("Power estimation in a one-way analysis of variance"),
          HTML("Finally, let's complicate the situation a bit! Now there
               are three groups and you are performing a one-way ANOVA,
               by testing the effect of a factor with three levels (e.g., 
               treatment, placebo, nothing).
               Think of an experiment, where you compare three 
               different groups of participants. Maybe you examine hearing
               impaired participants, and one group gets a hearing aid, the
               other group gets a cochlea implant, and the third groups does
               not receive any support. All groups have to adjust the
               frequency of the sound."),
    tabPanel("One-way repeated measures ANOVA",
          h4("Sample size"),
          numericInput("rman", "", 20, min = 5, max = 200),
          sliderInput("rmamu1", "At time 1", 400, 420, c(405)),
          sliderInput("rmamu2", "At time 2", 400, 420, c(405)),
          sliderInput("rmamu3", "At time 3", 400, 420, c(405)),
          h4("Standard deviation"),
          sliderInput("rmaspers", "between subjects", 1, 20, 8),
          sliderInput("rmaserror", "within subjects", 0, 10, 1),
          radioButtons("rmaalpha", "", c(".01", ".05", ".10"),
          selected = ".05", inline = TRUE),
          h4("Number of replicates"),
          radioButtons("rmanrep","", c("500", "1000", "5000"), 
          selected = "1000", inline = TRUE),
          actionButton("rmasimulate", "Simulate power")
          h3("Power estimation in a one-way analysis of variance with repeated
          HTML("Let's think of a new situation. You observe just one group at
               three different times (e.g., before (pre), during, and after 
               (post) a treatment).
               As you want to test the effect of the time, you are 
               performing a one-way ANOVA with repeated measures.
               Now think of an experiment, where you compare one 
               group of participants at three different times. 
               Maybe you have a training for hearing the frequency of a sound,
               and you test your participants before, during and after the
          plotOutput("rmahistplot", width = "100%"),
  ) # end of TabSetPanel
) # end of UI

server <- function(input, output){
  output$powerRangers_image <- renderImage({
    outfile <- tempfile(fileext='powerRangers.png')
    png(outfile, width=200, height=200)
    list(src = outfile,
         alt = "This is alternate text")
  }, deleteFile = TRUE)
  crit <- reactive({
    qnorm(1-as.numeric(input$Alpha)) # setting the critical value
  output$powerplot <- renderPlot({
    # distribution under H0
    # distribution under H1
    # type II error area
    polygon(c(0,seq(0,6,0.01),6), # 
    # power area
    # type I error area
    # rejecting line and sample point
    text(x=crit()+1,y=0.1,labels="Rejecting H0",cex=1)
    text(x=crit()-1.3,y=0.1,labels="Not rejecting H0",cex=1)
    # legend
    legend(-3, 0.4,
      legend=c(expression("Type I error"~(alpha)),
               expression("Type II error"~(beta)),
               expression("Power"~(1 - beta))),
      cex=1.2, bty = "n")

  output$indices <- renderText(paste("Alpha =",input$Alpha, 
                                "\nBeta =", round(pnorm(crit(),mean=3),2),
                                "\nPower =",round(1-pnorm(crit(),mean=3),2),
                                if(crit()<2){"Rejecting H0"}
                                else{"Not rejecting H0"}))

  # data
  pval <- eventReactive(input$simulate, { 
    n1 <- input$n
    hmu <- input$mu1; tmu <- input$mu2
    s1 <- input$sd
    nrep <- input$nrep
    tp <- data.frame()
    withProgress(message = "Simulating data", value = 0, {
    for(i in 1:nrep){
      y <- rnorm(n1, tmu, s1)
      tp[i, 1] <- t.test(y, mu =  hmu)$p.value
      tp[i, 2] <- mean(y)

 power <- reactive({  
    mean(pval()[,1] < as.numeric(input$alpha))
# distribution of p-values: plot
  tpa <- eventReactive(input$simulate, {
     par(mai = c(.6, .7, 1, .1), mgp = c(2, .7, 0))
     hist(pval()[,1], col = "lightblue", border = "white", xlim = 0:1,
          xlab = "p-value", main = "",
          breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.05))
    abline(v = input$alpha, col = "darkblue")
    title("Distribution of p-values", adj = 0)
    mtext(at = c(as.numeric(input$alpha) + 0.03,
          par("usr")[4]- 0.1 * par("usr")[4]),  
          text = bquote(alpha == .(input$alpha)), cex = 1.2)
    mtext(bquote(paste("Power =", " ", 
                           frac("number of rejected hypothesis", 
                                "total number of simulations"), " = ",
                       frac(.(sum(pval()[,1] < as.numeric(input$alpha))),
                            .(length(pval()[,1]))), " = ", 
          side = 3, line = 1, adj = 0.95)
    box(bty = "l")
  output$thistplot <- renderPlot({
# Density of the mean values of simulated data: plot
  tdp <- eventReactive(input$simulate, {
    par(mai = c(.6, .7, 1, .1), mgp = c(2, .7, 0))
    ymaxlab <- 2 / input$sd
    plot(density(pval()[,2], adjust = 2), col = "blue", xlim = c(390, 430), 
         ylim = c(0, ymaxlab), 
         main = "", 
         ylab = "Density", lty = "dotted", bty = "n", 
         xlab = "Mean values of simulated data")
    title("Distribution of the mean values of simulated data", adj = 0)
    abline(v = input$mu1, col = "darkblue")
    mtext(at = c(input$mu1 + 2, par("usr")[4] - 0.1 * par("usr")[4]), 
         text = bquote(mu[hypothesized] == .(input$mu1)), 
         cex = 1.2)
    box(bty = "l")
  output$tdensityplot <- renderPlot({
  # data
  t2pval <- eventReactive(input$tsimulate, { 
    t2n1 <- input$tn1; t2n2 <- input$tn2
    t2mu1 <- input$tmu1; t2mu2 <- input$tmu2
    t2s1 <- input$tsd1; t2s2 <- input$tsd2
    t2nrep <- input$nrep
    t2p <- data.frame()
    withProgress(message = "Simulating data", value = 0, {
    for(i in 1:t2nrep){
      mdata <- data.frame(y = c(rnorm(t2n1, t2mu1, t2s1), 
                                rnorm(t2n2, t2mu2, t2s2)),
                          group = rep(c("one","two"),
                                      times=c(t2n1, t2n2)))
      t2p[i, 1] <- t.test(mdata[,1][mdata$group == "one"], 
                         mdata[,1][mdata$group == "two"])$p.value
      t2p[i, 2] <- mean(mdata[,1][mdata$group == "one"])
      t2p[i, 3] <- mean(mdata[,1][mdata$group == "two"])

  t2power <- reactive({  
    mean(t2pval()[,1] < as.numeric(input$talpha))
# distribution of p-values: plot
  t2pa <- eventReactive(input$tsimulate, {
     par(mai = c(.6, .7, 1, .1), mgp = c(2, .7, 0))
    hist(t2pval()[,1], col = "lightblue", border = "white", xlim = 0:1,
        xlab = "p-value", main = "",
   breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.05))
    abline(v = input$talpha, col = "darkblue")
    title("Distribution of p-values", adj = 0)
    mtext(at = c(as.numeric(input$talpha) + 0.03,
          par("usr")[4]- 0.1 * par("usr")[4]),  
          text = bquote(alpha == .(input$talpha)), cex = 1.2)
    mtext(bquote(paste("Power =", " ", 
                           frac("number of rejected hypothesis", 
                                "total number of simulations"), " = ",
                       frac(.(sum(t2pval()[,1] < as.numeric(input$talpha))),
                            .(length(t2pval()[,1]))), " = ", 
          side = 3, line = 1, adj = 0.95)
    box(bty = "l")
  output$t2histplot <- renderPlot({
# Density of the mean values of simulated data: plot
  t2dp <- eventReactive(input$tsimulate, {
    par(mai = c(.6, .7, 1, .1), mgp = c(2, .7, 0))
    ymaxlab <- 2 * max(c(1/input$tsd1, 1/input$tsd2))
    gmu <- mean(c(input$tmu1, input$tmu2))
    plot(density(t2pval()[,2], adjust = 2), col = "blue", xlim = c(390, 430), 
         ylim = c(0, ymaxlab), 
         main = "", 
         ylab = "Density", lty = "dotted", bty = "n", 
         xlab = "Mean values of simulated data")
    title("Distribution of the mean values of simulated data", adj = 0)
    lines(density(t2pval()[,3], adjust = 2), col = "red", lty = "dashed")
    legend("topright", c("Group 1", "Group 2"),
           col = c("blue", "red"),
           lty = c("dotted", "dashed"), lwd = 2)
    abline(v = gmu, col = "darkblue")
    mtext(at = c(gmu + 2, par("usr")[4] - 0.1 * par("usr")[4]), 
         text = bquote(mu[total] == .(round(gmu,2))), 
         cex = 1.2)
    box(bty = "l")
  output$t2densityplot <- renderPlot({
  # data
  apval <- eventReactive(input$asimulate, { 
    an1 <- input$an1; an2 <- input$an2; an3 <- input$an3
    amu1 <- input$amu1; amu2 <- input$amu2; amu3 <- input$amu3
    s1 <- input$s1; s2 <- input$s2; s3 <- input$s3 
    anrep <- input$anrep
    ap <- data.frame()
    withProgress(message = "Simulating data", value = 0, {
    for(i in 1:anrep){
      mdata <- data.frame(y = c(rnorm(an1, amu1, s1), 
                                rnorm(an2, amu2, s2), 
                                rnorm(an3, amu3, s3)),
                          group = rep(c("one","two","three"),
                                      times=c(an1, an2, an3)))
      ap[i, 1] <- summary(aov(y ~ group, data = mdata))[[1]]$"Pr(>F)"[1]
      ap[i, 2] <- mean(mdata[,1][mdata$group == "one"])
      ap[i, 3] <- mean(mdata[,1][mdata$group == "two"])
      ap[i, 4] <- mean(mdata[,1][mdata$group == "three"])

  apower <- reactive({  
    mean(apval()[,1] < as.numeric(input$aalpha))
# distribution of p-values: plot
  hpa <- eventReactive(input$asimulate, {
     par(mai = c(.6, .7, 1, .1), mgp = c(2, .7, 0))
    hist(apval()[,1], col = "lightblue", border = "white", xlim = 0:1,
         xlab = "p-value", main = "", 
   breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.05))
    title("Distribution of p-values", adj = 0)
    abline(v = input$aalpha, col = "darkblue")
    mtext(at = c(as.numeric(input$aalpha) + 0.03,
          par("usr")[4]- 0.1 * par("usr")[4]),  
          text = bquote(alpha == .(input$aalpha)), cex = 1.2)
    mtext(bquote(paste("Power =", " ", 
                           frac("number of rejected hypothesis", 
                                "total number of simulations"), " = ",
                       frac(.(sum(apval()[,1] < as.numeric(input$aalpha))),
                            .(length(apval()[,1]))), " = ", 
          side = 3, line = 1, adj = 0.95)
    box(bty = "l")
  output$ahistplot <- renderPlot({
# Density of the mean values of simulated data: plot
  adp <- eventReactive(input$asimulate, {
    par(mai = c(.6, .7, 1, .1), mgp = c(2, .7, 0))
    ymaxlab <- 2 * max(c(1/input$s1, 1/input$s2, 1/input$s3))
    gmu <- mean(c(input$amu1, input$amu2, input$amu3))
    plot(density(apval()[,2], adjust = 2), col = "blue", xlim = c(390, 430), 
         ylim = c(0, ymaxlab), 
         main = "", 
         ylab = "Density", lty = "dotted", bty = "n", 
         xlab = "Mean values of simulated data")
    title("Distribution of the mean values of simulated data", adj = 0)
    lines(density(apval()[,3], adjust = 2), col = "red", lty = "dashed")
    lines(density(apval()[,4], adjust = 2), col = "green")
    legend("topright", c("Group 1", "Group 2", "Group 3"),
           col = c("blue", "red", "green"),
           lty = c("dotted", "dashed", "solid"), lwd = 2)
    abline(v = gmu, col = "darkblue")
    mtext(at = c(gmu + 2, par("usr")[4] - 0.1 * par("usr")[4]), 
         text = bquote(mu[total] == .(round(gmu,2))), 
         cex = 1.2)
    box(bty = "l")
  output$adensityplot <- renderPlot({

  rmapval <- eventReactive(input$rmasimulate, { 
    rmanrep <- input$rmanrep
    rman <- input$rman
    rmamu1 <- input$rmamu1; rmamu2 <- input$rmamu2; rmamu3 <- input$rmamu3
    rmaspers <- input$rmaspers; rmaserror <- input$rmaserror  
    rmamu <- c(rmamu1, rmamu2, rmamu3)

    grandmu <- mean(rmamu)
    rmap <- data.frame()
    withProgress(message = "Simulating data", value = 0, {
    for(i in 1:rmanrep){
      dat <- replicate(rman, {
        y <- grandmu + rnorm(3, rmamu-grandmu, rmaspers) + 
             rnorm(3, 0, rmaserror)

      dat <-
      dat$id <- factor(1:rman)

      rmdata <- reshape(dat, varying = list(1:3), direction = "long")
      colnames(rmdata) <- c("id", "time", "y")
      rmdata$time <- as.factor(rmdata$time)
      rmap[i, 1] <- summary(aov(y ~ time + Error(id/time), 
                             data = rmdata))[[2]][[1]]$"Pr(>F)"[1]
      rmap[i, 2] <- mean(dat[,1])
      rmap[i, 3] <- mean(dat[,2])
      rmap[i, 4] <- mean(dat[,3])

  rmapower <- reactive({  
    mean(rmapval()[,1] < as.numeric(input$rmaalpha))
# distribution of p-values: plot
  hp <- eventReactive(input$rmasimulate, {	  
     par(mai = c(.6, .7, 1, .1), mgp = c(2, .7, 0))
    hist(rmapval()[,1], col = "lightblue", border = "white", xlim = 0:1,
         xlab = "p-value", main = "", 
   breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.05))
    title("Distribution of p-values", adj = 0)
    abline(v = input$rmaalpha, col = "darkblue")
    mtext(at = c(as.numeric(input$rmaalpha) + 0.03,
          par("usr")[4]- 0.1 * par("usr")[4]),  
          text = bquote(alpha == .(input$rmaalpha)), cex = 1.2)
    mtext(bquote(paste("Power =", " ", 
                           frac("number of rejected hypothesis", 
                                "total number of simulations"), " = ",
                       frac(.(sum(rmapval()[,1] < as.numeric(input$rmaalpha))),
                            .(length(rmapval()[,1]))), " = ", 
          side = 3, line = 1, adj = 0.95)
    box(bty = "l")
  output$rmahistplot <- renderPlot({
# Density of the mean values of simulated data: plot
  dp <- eventReactive(input$rmasimulate, {
    par(mai = c(.6, .7, 1, .1), mgp = c(2, .7, 0))
    ymaxlab <- (1 / (input$rmaspers + input$rmaserror) 
               + 1 / (input$rmaspers * 2) + 1 / (2 * input$rmaserror + 1))
    gmu <- mean(c(input$rmamu1, input$rmamu2, input$rmamu3))
    plot(density(rmapval()[,2], adjust = 2), col = "blue",xlim = c(390, 430), 
         ylim = c(0, ymaxlab), 
         main = "", 
         ylab = "Density", lty = "dotted", bty = "n", 
         xlab = "Mean values of simulated data")
    title("Distribution of the mean values of simulated data", adj = 0)
    lines(density(rmapval()[,3], adjust = 2), col = "red", lty = "dashed")
    lines(density(rmapval()[,4], adjust = 2), col = "green")
    legend("topright", c("at time 1", "at time 2", "at time 3"),
           col = c("blue", "red", "green"),
           lty = c("dotted", "dashed", "solid"), lwd = 2)
    abline(v = gmu, col = "darkblue")
    mtext(at = c(gmu + 2, par("usr")[4] - 0.1 * par("usr")[4]), 
         text = bquote(mu[total] == .(round(gmu,2))), 
         cex = 1.2)
    box(bty = "l")
  output$rmadensityplot <- renderPlot({

shinyApp(ui, server)