#======Select expression for the stated empirical interpretations=======
# 1)
ui <- dashboardPage(skin = "green",
title = "Local Stochastic Independence",
titleWidth = "100%"
menuItem("Introduction", tabName = "Introduction",
icon = icon("info-circle")),
menuItem("Exercises", tabName = "Exercises",
icon = icon("pencil-square-o"), badgeLabel = "Your turn!",
badgeColor = "green"), br(), br(),
.main-header .logo {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 22px;
.content-wrapper {
background-color: #E3F6CE;
tabItem(tabName = "Introduction",
HTML("<h4 align = 'left'> In the basic local independence model
(BLIM), the conditional probability of the response pattern R
given the knowledge state K is based on the assumption of local
stochastic independence between the responses given this knowledge
state. The following app illustrates the building blocks of the
probability P(R|K). <br> <br> Now it's your turn! Test your knowledge
in the following exercises. </h4>")
tabItem(tabName = "Exercises",
tabPanel("Exercise 1",
# Lucky guess
box(status = "success", title = "Select the
appropriate expression for each of the stated empirical
interpretations.", solidHeader = TRUE,
strong("Lucky guess"), br(),
HTML("<select id='RW'>Lucky guess</option>
<option value='so'>Select one</option>
<option value='beta'>β</option> # beta
<option value='Nbeta'>1 - β</option> # 1 - beta
<option value='eta'>η</option> # eta
<option value='Neta'>1 - η</option> # 1 - eta
# Careless error
strong("Careless error"), br(),
HTML("<select id='LF'>Careless error</option>
<option value='so'>Select one</option>
<option value='beta'>β</option> # beta
<option value='Nbeta'>1 - β</option> # 1 - beta
<option value='eta'>η</option> # eta
<option value='Neta'>1 - η</option> # 1 - eta
# Correct response (item mastered)
strong("Correct response"), br(),
strong("(item mastered)"), br(),
HTML("<select id='R'>Correct response (item mastered)</option>
<option value='so'>Select one</option>
<option value='beta'>β</option> # beta
<option value='Nbeta'>1 - β</option> # 1 - beta
<option value='eta'>η</option> # eta
<option value='Neta'>1 - η</option> # 1 - eta
# Incorrect response (item not mastered)
strong("Incorrect response"), br(),
strong("(item not mastered)"), br(),
HTML("<select id='F'>Incorrect response
(item not mastered)</option>
<option value='so'>Select one</option>
<option value='beta'>β</option> # beta
<option value='Nbeta'>1 - β</option> # 1 - beta
<option value='eta'>η</option> # eta
<option value='Neta'>1 - η</option> # 1 - eta
#==========Venn diagram, where the items should be placed
# 2)
tabPanel("Exercise 2",
box(status = "success", title = "Sarah takes part in a test with
five items: a, b, c, d, and e. She only masters items a and
But she answers items b, c, and e correctly.
The response pattern R contains Sarah's correct
responses, the knowledge state K contains the items
she masters. ", solidHeader = TRUE,
width = 12,
background = "green")),
column(6, box(status = "success", title = "Venn diagram",
solidHeader = TRUE, hight = 500, width = 500,
plotOutput("Venn", height = 400, width = 500))
# plotOutput
column(3, " ", box(status = "success",
title = "Set representation",
solidHeader = TRUE,
HTML("<span style='color:black'>"), hight = 50,
width = 250, uiOutput("Mengen"))), # K and R as a set
column(3, box(status = "success", hight = 450, width =
250, title = "Select the subset in which
each item is to be placed.", solidHeader = TRUE,
HTML("<span style='color:black'>"),
# Item a is element of set K\R
HTML("<h5><b>Item a is element of</b></h5>
<select id='A'>Item a</option>
<option value='so'>Select one</option>
<option value='k'>K \\ R</option>
<option value='r'>R \\ K</option>
<option value='kr'>R ∩ K</option>
<option value='nkr'>¬ R ∩ ¬ K</option>
uiOutput("Itema"), # right or wrong?
# Item b is element of set K and R
HTML("<h5><b>Item b is element of</b></h5>
<select id='B'>Item b is element of</option>
<option value='so'>Select one</option>
<option value='k'>K \\ R</option>
<option value='r'>R \\ K</option>
<option value='kr'>R ∩ K</option>
<option value='nkr'>¬ R ∩ ¬ K</option>
uiOutput("Itemb"), # right or wrong?
# Item c is element of R\K
HTML("<h5><b>Item c is element of</b></h5>
<select id='C'>Item c</option>
<option value='so'>Select one</option>
<option value='k'>K \\ R</option>
<option value='r'>R \\ K</option>
<option value='kr'>R ∩ K</option>
<option value='nkr'>¬ R ∩ ¬ K</option>
uiOutput("Itemc"), # right or wrong?
# Item d is not an element of R or K
HTML("<h5><b>Item d is element of</b></h5>
<select id='D'>Item d</option>
<option value='so'>Select one</option>
<option value='k'>K \\ R</option>
<option value='r'>R \\ K</option>
<option value='kr'>R ∩ K</option>
<option value='nkr'>¬ R ∩ ¬ K</option>
uiOutput("Itemd"), # right or wrong?
# Item e is element of R\K
HTML("<h5><b>Item e is element of</b></h5>
<select id='E'>Item c</option>
<option value='so'>Select one</option>
<option value='k'>K \\ R</option>
<option value='r'>R \\ K</option>
<option value='kr'>R ∩ K</option>
<option value='nkr'>¬ R ∩ ¬ K</option>
uiOutput("Iteme"), HTML("</span style>")) # right or wrong?
# 3)
tabPanel("Exercise 3", br(),
# Classify Sarah's answers to each item
# item a + d
fluidRow(box(title = "Now classify Sarah's answers to each item.
If your choice is correct, the corresponding
expression will appear in the formula below.
If your choice is wrong, a
question mark will appear instead.",
solidHeader = TRUE, width = 9, status = "success",
column(4, radioButtons("a", "Item a",
c("Correct response (item mastered)" = 'r',
"Lucky guess" = 'RW',
"Careless error" = 'LF',
"Incorrect response (item not mastered)" = 'f')
actionButton("aa", "Submit"), br(), # action button
uiOutput("Formel1"), br(), # wrong or right?
radioButtons("d", "Item d",
c("Correct response (item mastered)" = 'r',
"Lucky guess" = 'RW',
"Careless error" = 'LF',
"Incorrect response (item not mastered)" = 'f')
actionButton("ad", "Submit"), br(), # action button
# item b+e
column(4, radioButtons("b", "Item b",
c("Correct response (item mastered)" = 'r',
"Lucky guess" = 'RW',
"Careless error" = 'LF',
"Incorrect response (item not mastered)" = 'f')
actionButton("ab", "Submit"), br(), # action button
uiOutput("Formel2"), br(), # wrong or right?
radioButtons("e", "Item e",
c("Correct response (item mastered)" = 'r',
"Lucky guess" = 'RW',
"Careless error" = 'LF',
"Incorrect response (item not mastered)" = 'f')
actionButton("ae", "Submit"), br(), # action button
column(4, radioButtons("c", "Item c",
c("Correct response (item mastered)" = 'r',
"Lucky guess" = 'RW',
"Careless error" = 'LF',
"Incorrect response (item not mastered)" = 'f')
actionButton("ac", "Submit"), br(), # action button
box(background = "green", width = 3, plotOutput("Venn2"))
#======================= P(R|K) formula
# 4)
box(status = "success", title = "The probability of the response pattern R
given the knowledge state K is:", width = 450,
solidHeader = TRUE,
HTML("<h5>R = {b,c,e} and K = {a,b} </h5>"),
# formula
column(2, h4(HTML("<b>P(R|K) = </b>"))),
column(1, uiOutput("Formela")), # parameter of item a
column(1, h4(HTML("<strong>⋅</strong>"))), # dot
column(1, uiOutput("Formelb")), # parameter of item b
column(1, h4(HTML("<strong>⋅</strong>"))), # dot
column(1, uiOutput("Formelc")), # parameter of item c
column(1, h4(HTML("<strong>⋅</strong>"))), # dot
column(1, uiOutput("Formeld")), # parameter of item d
column(1, h4(HTML("<strong>⋅</strong>"))), # dot
column(1, uiOutput("Formele")), br(), br() # parameter of item e
tabPanel("Exercise 4", br(),
box(title = "The probability of the response pattern R
given the knowledge state K is:", solidHeader = TRUE,
status = "success",
HTML("<h5> R = {b,c,e} and K = {a,b}</h5>
<h5><b>P(R|K) = β<sub>a</sub> ⋅ (1 -
β<sub>b</sub>) ⋅ η<sub>c</sub> ⋅ (1
- η<sub>d</sub>) ⋅
η<sub>e</sub></b><br><br>"), textOutput("Ergebnis")),
# Select parametervalue to calculate P(R|K)
box(title = "Select parameter values and see how P(R|K) changes.",
solidHeader = TRUE, status = "success",
sliderInput("sa", HTML("Select a value for β<sub>a</sub>"), # beta a
min = 0, max = 0.49, step = 0.01, value = 0.1),
sliderInput("sc", HTML("Select a value for η<sub>c</sub>"), # eta c
min = 0, max = 0.49, step = 0.01, value = 0.25),
sliderInput("se", HTML("Select a value for η<sub>e</sub>"), # eta e
min = 0, max = 0.49, step = 0.01, value = 0.45)
sliderInput("sb", HTML("Select a value for β<sub>b</sub>"),# beta b
min = 0, max = 0.49, step = 0.01, value = 0.15),
sliderInput("sd", HTML("Select a value for η<sub>d</sub>"), # eta d
min = 0, max = 0.49, step = 0.01, value = 0.35)
server <- function(input, output){
# Output zu 1)
pro <- reactiveValues(data = numeric(14), work = numeric(14))
output$progressBox <- renderInfoBox({
"Solved", paste(round(sum(pro$data)/0.14, 0), "%"),
icon = icon("check", lib = "glyphicon"),
color = "green"
output$workedBox <- renderInfoBox({
"Attempted", paste(round(sum(pro$work)/0.14, 0), "%"),
icon = icon("pencil", lib = "glyphicon"),
color = "yellow"
output$rightworkedBox <- renderInfoBox({
if(round(sum(pro$data)/sum(pro$work)*100) == "NaN"){
infoBox("", HTML("
Solved/ <br> Attempted"),
paste(0, "%"),
icon = icon("thumbs-up", lib = "glyphicon"),
color = "blue"
paste(round(sum(pro$data)/sum(pro$work)*100), "%"),
icon = icon("thumbs-up", lib = "glyphicon"),
color = "blue")
# lucky guess
output$RW <- renderText({
if(input$RW == "eta"){
pro$data[1] <- 1
pro$work[1] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5> ")
# right
else if(input$RW == 'so'){pro$data[1] <- 0
pro$work[1] <- 0
# nothing chosen
else{pro$data[1] <- 0
pro$work[1] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
<b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")
# wrong
# careless error
output$LF <- renderText({
if(input$LF == "beta"){
pro$data[2] <- 1
pro$work[2] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
else if(input$LF == 'so'){
pro$data[2] <- 0
pro$work[2] <- 0
pro$data[2] <- 0
pro$work[2] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
<b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
# correct
output$R<- renderText({
if(input$R == "Nbeta"){
pro$data[3] <- 1
pro$work[3] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
else if(input$R == 'so'){
pro$data[3] <- 0
pro$work[3] <- 0
pro$data[3] <- 0
pro$work[3] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
<b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
# wrong
output$F <- renderText({
if(input$F == "Neta"){
pro$data[4] <- 1
pro$work[4] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
else if(input$F == 'so'){
pro$data[4] <- 0
pro$work[4] <- 0
pro$data[4] <- 0
pro$work[4] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
<b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
#==================Venn diagram
output$Venn <- renderPlot({
# drawing circles
par(pty="s", mai = c(0,0,0,0))
plot(10, 10, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(7.9, 13),
symbols(c(9.5, 11.5), c(10, 10), circles=c(1.7, 1.7), add=TRUE,
inches=FALSE, fg=c("orange", "blue"), lwd = 3)
# description for the circles
text(x = 8.2, y = 11, labels = "R", col = "orange", cex = 1.5)
text(x = 12.8, y = 11, labels = "K", col = "blue", cex = 1.5)
# item a
if(input$A == "r"){
text(x = 9.1, y = 10.8, labels = "a", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
}else if(input$A == "k"){
text(x = 11.9, y = 10.8, labels = "a", col = "darkgreen", cex = 1.5)
}else if(input$A == "kr"){
text(x = 10.5, y = 10.6, labels = "a", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
}else if(input$A == "nkr"){
text(x = 10.9, y = 11.2, labels = "a", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
# item b
if(input$B == "r"){
text(x = 8.9, y = 10.4, labels = "b", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
}else if(input$B == "k"){
text(x = 12.2, y = 10.4, labels = "b", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
}else if(input$B == "kr"){
text(x = 10.3, y = 10.4, labels = "b", col = "darkgreen", cex = 1.5)
}else if(input$B == "nkr"){
text(x = 10.7, y = 11.3, labels = "b", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
# item c
if(input$C == "r"){
text(x = 9, y = 10, labels = "c", col = "darkgreen", cex = 1.5)
}else if(input$C == "k"){
text(x = 12.1, y = 10, labels = "c", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
}else if(input$C == "kr"){
text(x = 10.4, y = 10, labels = "c", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
}else if(input$C == "nkr"){
text(x = 10.5, y = 11.1, labels = "c", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
# item d
if(input$D == "r"){
text(x = 9, y = 9.6, labels = "d", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
}else if(input$D == "k"){
text(x = 12, y = 9.6, labels = "d", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
}else if(input$D == "kr"){
text(x = 10.5, y = 9.6, labels = "d", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
}else if(input$D == "nkr"){
text(x = 10.3, y = 11.2, labels = "d", col = "darkgreen", cex = 1.5)
# item e
if(input$E == "r"){
text(x = 9.3, y = 9.2, labels = "e", col = "darkgreen", cex = 1.5)
}else if(input$E == "k"){
text(x = 11.7, y = 9.2, labels = "e", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
}else if(input$E == "kr"){
text(x = 10.6, y = 9.3, labels = "e", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
}else if(input$E == "nkr"){
text(x = 10.1, y = 11.2, labels = "e", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
#==================== sets (K,R)
output$Mengen <- renderUI({
MeR1 <- MeR2 <- MeR3 <- MeR4 <- MeR5 <- ""
MeK1 <- MeK2 <- MeK3 <- MeK4 <- MeK5 <- ""
# Item a
if(input$A == "k"){
MeK1 <- HTML("<span style='color:green'>a</span style>")
}else if(input$A == "kr"){
MeK1 <- HTML("<span style='color:green'>a</span style>")
MeR1 <- HTML("<span style='color:red'>a</span style>")
}else if(input$A == "r"){
MeR1 <- HTML("<span style='color:red'>a</span style>")
# Item b
if(input$B == "k"){
MeK2 <- HTML("<span style='color:green'>b</span style> ")
}else if(input$B == "kr"){
MeK2 <- HTML("<span style='color:green'>b</span style>")
MeR2 <- HTML("<span style='color:green'>b</span style>")
}else if(input$B == "r"){
MeR2 <- HTML("<span style='color:green'>b</span style>")
# Item c
if(input$C == "k"){
MeK3 <- HTML("<span style='color:red'>c</span style>")
}else if(input$C == "kr"){
MeK3 <- HTML("<span style='color:red'>c</span style>")
MeR3 <- HTML("<span style='color:green'>c</span style>")
}else if(input$C == "r"){
MeR3 <- HTML("<span style='color:green'>c</span style>")
# Item d
if(input$D == "k"){
MeK4 <- HTML("<span style='color:red'>d</span style>")
}else if(input$D == "kr"){
MeK4 <- HTML("<span style='color:red'>d</span style>")
MeR4 <- HTML("<span style='color:red'>d</span style>")
}else if(input$D == "r"){
MeR4 <- HTML("<span style='color:red'>d</span style>")
# Item e
if(input$E == "k"){
MeK5 <- HTML("<span style='color:red'>e</span style>")
}else if(input$E == "kr"){
MeK5 <- HTML("<span style='color:red'>e</span style>")
MeR5 <- HTML("<span style='color:green'>e</span style>")
}else if(input$E == "r"){
MeR5 <- HTML("<span style='color:green'>e</span style>")
#========================= comma in K and R
if(MeK1 != "" & MeK2 != ""|MeK1 != "" & MeK3 != ""|MeK1 != "" & MeK4 !=
""|MeK1 != "" & MeK5 != ""){
k1 <- ","
}else{k1 <- ""}
if(MeK2 != "" & MeK3 != ""|MeK2 != "" & MeK4 != ""|
MeK2 != "" & MeK5 != ""){
k2 <- ","
}else{k2 <- ""}
if(MeK3 != "" & MeK4 != ""|MeK3 != "" & MeK5 != ""){
k3 <- ","
}else{k3 <- ""}
if(MeK4 != "" & MeK5 != ""){
k4 <- ","
}else{k4 <- ""}
if(MeR1 != "" & MeR2 != ""|MeR1 != "" & MeR3 != ""|MeR1 != "" & MeR4 !=
""|MeR1 != "" & MeR5 != ""){
kR1 <- ","
}else{kR1 <- ""}
if(MeR2 != "" & MeR3 != ""|MeR2 != "" & MeR4 != ""|
MeR2 != "" & MeR5 != ""){
kR2 <- ","
}else{kR2 <- ""}
if(MeR3 != "" & MeR4 != ""|MeR3 != "" & MeR5 != ""){
kR3 <- ","
}else{kR3 <- ""}
if(MeR4 != "" & MeR5 != ""){
kR4 <- ","
}else{kR4 <- ""}
# what will be shown
h5(HTML("<b>K = {", MeK1, k1, MeK2, k2, MeK3, k3, MeK4, k4, MeK5),
HTML("}"), br(), br(),
HTML("R = {", MeR1, kR1, MeR2, kR2, MeR3, kR3, MeR4, kR4, MeR5),
output$Venn2 <- renderPlot({
# drawing circles
par(pty="s", mai = c(0,0,0,0))
plot(10, 10, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(7.9, 13.1),
symbols(c(9.5, 11.5), c(10, 10), circles=c(1.7, 1.7), add=TRUE,
inches=FALSE, fg=c("orange", "blue"), lwd = 3)
# description for the circles
text(x = 8.2, y = 11, labels = "R", col = "orange", cex = 1.5)
text(x = 12.8, y = 11, labels = "K", col = "blue", cex = 1.5)
# item a
text(x = 11.9, y = 10.8, labels = "a", col = "darkgreen", cex = 1.5)
# item b
text(x = 10.3, y = 10.4, labels = "b", col = "darkgreen", cex = 1.5)
# item c
text(x = 9, y = 10, labels = "c", col = "darkgreen", cex = 1.5)
# item d
text(x = 10.3, y = 11.2, labels = "d", col = "darkgreen", cex = 1.5)
# item e
text(x = 9.3, y = 9.2, labels = "e", col = "darkgreen", cex = 1.5)
# answer to selectInput
# item a
output$Itema <- renderText({
if(input$A == "k"){
pro$data[5] <- 1
pro$work[5] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
}else if(input$A == "so"){
pro$data[5] <- 0
pro$work[5] <- 0
pro$data[5] <- 0
pro$work[5] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
<b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
# item b
output$Itemb <- renderText({
if(input$B == "kr"){
pro$data[6] <- 1
pro$work[6] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
}else if(input$B == "so"){
pro$data[6] <- 0
pro$work[6] <- 0
pro$data[6] <- 0
pro$work[6] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
<b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
# item c
output$Itemc <- renderText({
if(input$C == "r"){
pro$data[7] <- 1
pro$work[7] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
}else if(input$C == "so"){
pro$data[7] <- 0
pro$work[7] <- 0
pro$data[7] <- 0
pro$work[7] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
<b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
# item d
output$Itemd <- renderText({
if(input$D == "nkr"){
pro$data[8] <- 1
pro$work[8] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
}else if(input$D == "so"){
pro$data[8] <- 0
pro$work[8] <- 0
pro$data[8] <- 0
pro$work[8] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'><b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
# item e
output$Iteme <- renderText({
if(input$E == "r"){
pro$data[9] <- 1
pro$work[9] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
}else if(input$E == "so"){
pro$data[9] <- 0
pro$work[9] <- 0
pro$data[9] <- 0
pro$work[9] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'><b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
# calculate result
output$Ergebnis <- renderText({
X <- input$sa*(1-input$sb)*input$sc*(1-input$sd)*input$se
paste("P(R|K) = ", round(X, digits = 4) )
#=============================Action button answer
# Item a
observeEvent(input$aa, {
output$Formel1 <- renderUI({
Fa <- if(input$a == "LF"){
pro$data[10] <- 1
pro$work[10] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
pro$data[10] <- 0
pro$work[10] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
<b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
# Item b
observeEvent(input$ab, {
output$Formel2 <- renderText({
Fb <- if(input$b == "r"){
pro$data[11] <- 1
pro$work[11] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
pro$data[11] <- 0
pro$work[11] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
<b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
# Item c
observeEvent(input$ac, {
output$Formel3 <- renderText({
Fc <- if(input$c == "RW"){
pro$data[12] <- 1
pro$work[12] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
pro$data[12] <- 0
pro$work[12] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
<b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
# Item d
observeEvent(input$ad, {
output$Formel4 <- renderText({
Fd <- if(input$d == "f"){
pro$data[13] <- 1
pro$work[13] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
pro$data[13] <- 0
pro$work[13] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
<b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
# Item e
observeEvent(input$ae, {
output$Formel5 <- renderText({
Fe <- if(input$e == "RW"){
pro$data[14] <- 1
pro$work[14] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
pro$data[14] <- 0
pro$work[14] <- 1
HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
<b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
#==================================== P(R|K)
# Item a
observeEvent(input$aa, {
output$Formela <- renderText({
Fa <- if(input$a == "LF"){
HTML("<h4 style='color:green' align='left'>
else{HTML("<h4 style='color:red' align='left'><b> ? </b></h4>")}
# Item b
observeEvent(input$ab, {
output$Formelb <- renderText({
Fb <- if(input$b == "r"){
HTML("<h4 style='color:green' align='left'>
<b>(1 - β<sub>b</sub>)</b></h4>")}
else{HTML("<h4 style='color:red' align='left'><b> ? </b></h4>")}
# Item c
observeEvent(input$ac, {
output$Formelc <- renderText({
Fc <- if(input$c == "RW"){
HTML("<h4 style='color:green' align='left'>
else{HTML("<h4 style='color:red' align='left'><b> ? </b></h4>")}
# Item d
observeEvent(input$ad, {
output$Formeld <- renderText({
Fd <- if(input$d == "f"){
HTML("<h4 style='color:green' align='left'>
<b>(1 - η<sub>d</sub>)</b></h4>")}
else{HTML("<h4 style='color:red' align='left'><b> ? </b></h4>")}
# Item e
observeEvent(input$ae, {
output$Formele <- renderText({
Fe <- if(input$e == "RW"){
HTML("<h4 style='color:green' align='left'>
else{HTML("<h4 style='color:red' align='left'><b> ? </b></h4>")}
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)