In the basic local independence model (BLIM), the conditional probability of the response pattern R given the knowledge state K is based on the assumption of local stochastic independence between the responses given this knowledge state. The following app illustrates the building blocks of the probability P(R|K).

Now it's your turn! Test your knowledge in the following exercises.

Select the appropriate expression for each of the stated empirical interpretations.

Lucky guess
Careless error
Correct response
(item mastered)
Incorrect response
(item not mastered)

Sarah takes part in a test with five items: a, b, c, d, and e. She only masters items a and b. But she answers items b, c, and e correctly. The response pattern R contains Sarah's correct responses, the knowledge state K contains the items she masters.

Venn diagram

Set representation

Select the subset in which each item is to be placed.

Item a is element of
Item b is element of
Item c is element of
Item d is element of
Item e is element of

Now classify Sarah's answers to each item. If your choice is correct, the corresponding expression will appear in the formula below. If your choice is wrong, a question mark will appear instead.

The probability of the response pattern R given the knowledge state K is:

R = {b,c,e} and K = {a,b}

P(R|K) =

The probability of the response pattern R given the knowledge state K is:

R = {b,c,e} and K = {a,b}
P(R|K) = βa ⋅ (1 - βb) ⋅ ηc ⋅ (1 - ηd) ⋅ ηe

Select parameter values and see how P(R|K) changes.

show with app

#======Select expression for the stated empirical interpretations=======
# 1)
ui <- dashboardPage(skin = "green",

    title = "Local Stochastic Independence",
    titleWidth = "100%"
      menuItem("Introduction", tabName = "Introduction", 
	       icon = icon("info-circle")),
      menuItem("Exercises", tabName = "Exercises", 
	       icon = icon("pencil-square-o"), badgeLabel = "Your turn!", 
	       badgeColor = "green"), br(), br(),
       .main-header .logo {
       font-weight: bold;
       font-size: 22px; 
       .content-wrapper {
       background-color: #E3F6CE;
      tabItem(tabName = "Introduction",	
	      HTML("<h4 align = 'left'> In the basic local independence model
	      (BLIM), the conditional probability of the response pattern R
	      given the knowledge state K is based on the assumption of local
	      stochastic independence between the responses given this knowledge
	      state. The following app illustrates the building blocks of the
	      probability P(R|K). <br> <br> Now it's your turn! Test your knowledge
	      in the following exercises. </h4>") 

      tabItem(tabName = "Exercises",
          tabPanel("Exercise 1", 
# Lucky guess
	    box(status = "success", title = "Select the
	      appropriate expression for each of the stated empirical
	      interpretations.", solidHeader = TRUE,
       		 strong("Lucky guess"), br(),
         	 HTML("<select id='RW'>Lucky guess</option>
           	   <option value='so'>Select one</option>
           	   <option value='beta'>&#946;</option>		# beta
           	   <option value='Nbeta'>1 - &#946;</option>	# 1 - beta
	   	   <option value='eta'>&#951;</option>		# eta
	   	   <option value='Neta'>1 - &#951;</option>	# 1 - eta

# Careless error
       		 strong("Careless error"), br(),
         	 HTML("<select id='LF'>Careless error</option>
           	   <option value='so'>Select one</option>
           	   <option value='beta'>&#946;</option>		# beta
           	   <option value='Nbeta'>1 - &#946;</option>	# 1 - beta
	   	   <option value='eta'>&#951;</option>		# eta
	   	   <option value='Neta'>1 - &#951;</option>	# 1 - eta

# Correct response (item mastered)	     
       		 strong("Correct response"), br(), 
		 strong("(item mastered)"), br(),
         	 HTML("<select id='R'>Correct response (item mastered)</option>
           	   <option value='so'>Select one</option>
           	   <option value='beta'>&#946;</option>		# beta
           	   <option value='Nbeta'>1 - &#946;</option>	# 1 - beta
	   	   <option value='eta'>&#951;</option>		# eta
	   	   <option value='Neta'>1 - &#951;</option>	# 1 - eta

# Incorrect response (item not mastered)
       		 strong("Incorrect response"), br(), 
		 strong("(item not mastered)"), br(),
         	 HTML("<select id='F'>Incorrect response 
		       (item not mastered)</option>
           	   <option value='so'>Select one</option>
           	   <option value='beta'>&#946;</option>		# beta
           	   <option value='Nbeta'>1 - &#946;</option>	# 1 - beta
	   	   <option value='eta'>&#951;</option>		# eta
	   	   <option value='Neta'>1 - &#951;</option>	# 1 - eta

#==========Venn diagram, where the items should be placed
# 2)
           tabPanel("Exercise 2",
               box(status = "success", title = "Sarah takes part in a test with
		   five items: a, b, c, d, and e. She only masters items a and 
			But she answers items b, c, and e correctly. 
			The response pattern R contains Sarah's correct 
			responses, the knowledge state K contains the items 
			she masters. ", solidHeader = TRUE, 
			width = 12,
			background = "green")),
	      column(6, box(status = "success", title = "Venn diagram",
			    solidHeader = TRUE, hight = 500, width = 500,
			    plotOutput("Venn", height = 400, width = 500))
# plotOutput
     	      column(3, " ", box(status = "success", 
				 title = "Set representation",
			    	 solidHeader = TRUE,
		     HTML("<span style='color:black'>"), hight = 50, 
		     width = 250, uiOutput("Mengen"))),	# K and R as a set 
              column(3,  box(status = "success", hight = 450, width =
			     250, title = "Select the subset in which 
			each item is to be placed.", solidHeader = TRUE,
			HTML("<span style='color:black'>"),
# Item a is element of set K\R	    
                HTML("<h5><b>Item a is element of</b></h5>
                      <select id='A'>Item a</option>
                      <option value='so'>Select one</option>
                      <option value='k'>K \\ R</option>		
                      <option value='r'>R \\ K</option>	
	              <option value='kr'>R &#8745; K</option>	
	              <option value='nkr'>&#172; R &#8745; &#172; K</option>	
                uiOutput("Itema"),  # right or wrong?

# Item b is element of set K and R       
                  HTML("<h5><b>Item b is element of</b></h5>
		        <select id='B'>Item b is element of</option>
                        <option value='so'>Select one</option>
                        <option value='k'>K \\ R</option>
                        <option value='r'>R \\ K</option>
	                <option value='kr'>R &#8745; K</option>
	                <option value='nkr'>&#172; R &#8745; &#172; K</option>
                  uiOutput("Itemb"), # right or wrong?
# Item c is element of R\K       
                 HTML("<h5><b>Item c is element of</b></h5>
		       <select id='C'>Item c</option>
                       <option value='so'>Select one</option>
                       <option value='k'>K \\ R</option>
                       <option value='r'>R \\ K</option>
                       <option value='kr'>R &#8745; K</option>
                      <option value='nkr'>&#172; R &#8745; &#172; K</option>
                 uiOutput("Itemc"),  # right or wrong?

# Item d is not an element of R or K       
                HTML("<h5><b>Item d is element of</b></h5>
	              <select id='D'>Item d</option>
                      <option value='so'>Select one</option>
                      <option value='k'>K \\ R</option>
                      <option value='r'>R \\ K</option>
	              <option value='kr'>R &#8745; K</option>
	              <option value='nkr'>&#172; R &#8745; &#172; K</option>
               uiOutput("Itemd"), # right or wrong?
# Item e is element of R\K        
                 HTML("<h5><b>Item e is element of</b></h5>
		       <select id='E'>Item c</option>
                       <option value='so'>Select one</option>
                       <option value='k'>K \\ R</option>
                       <option value='r'>R \\ K</option>
                       <option value='kr'>R &#8745; K</option>
                      <option value='nkr'>&#172; R &#8745; &#172; K</option>
                 uiOutput("Iteme"), HTML("</span style>")) # right or wrong?

# 3)
           tabPanel("Exercise 3", br(),    	      
# Classify Sarah's answers to each item
# item a + d      
	       fluidRow(box(title = "Now classify Sarah's answers to each item.
			    If your choice is correct, the corresponding 
			    expression will appear in the formula below. 
			    If your choice is wrong, a
		     	    question mark will appear instead.", 
			    solidHeader = TRUE, width = 9, status = "success",	    
                 column(4, radioButtons("a", "Item a", 
         	         c("Correct response (item mastered)" = 'r',
                     "Lucky guess" = 'RW',
                     "Careless error" = 'LF', 
                     "Incorrect response (item not mastered)" = 'f') 
                   actionButton("aa", "Submit"), br(),  # action button
                   uiOutput("Formel1"), br(),           # wrong or right?
		   radioButtons("d", "Item d", 
           	     c("Correct response (item mastered)" = 'r',
                     "Lucky guess" = 'RW',
                     "Careless error" = 'LF', 
                     "Incorrect response (item not mastered)" = 'f') 
                   actionButton("ad", "Submit"), br(),  # action button
# item b+e
                 column(4, radioButtons("b", "Item b", 
         	   c("Correct response (item mastered)" = 'r',
                     "Lucky guess" = 'RW',
                     "Careless error" = 'LF', 
                     "Incorrect response (item not mastered)" = 'f') 
                   actionButton("ab", "Submit"), br(),  # action button
                   uiOutput("Formel2"),  br(),          # wrong or right?
		   radioButtons("e", "Item e", 
                     c("Correct response (item mastered)" = 'r',
                     "Lucky guess" = 'RW',
                     "Careless error" = 'LF', 
                     "Incorrect response (item not mastered)" = 'f') 
                   actionButton("ae", "Submit"), br(),  # action button
		column(4, radioButtons("c", "Item c", 
       	           c("Correct response (item mastered)" = 'r',
                     "Lucky guess" = 'RW',
                     "Careless error" = 'LF', 
                     "Incorrect response (item not mastered)" = 'f') 
                   actionButton("ac", "Submit"), br(),  # action button
		box(background = "green", width = 3, plotOutput("Venn2"))

#======================= P(R|K) formula
# 4)       
   	         box(status = "success", title = "The probability of the response pattern R
			 given the knowledge state K is:", width = 450,
			 solidHeader = TRUE,
		         HTML("<h5>R = {b,c,e} and K = {a,b} </h5>"),

# formula
         	   column(2, h4(HTML("<b>P(R|K) = </b>"))),
                   column(1, uiOutput("Formela")),			# parameter of item a
                   column(1, h4(HTML("<strong>&sdot;</strong>"))),	# dot
                   column(1, uiOutput("Formelb")),			# parameter of item b
                   column(1, h4(HTML("<strong>&sdot;</strong>"))),	# dot
                   column(1, uiOutput("Formelc")),			# parameter of item c
                   column(1, h4(HTML("<strong>&sdot;</strong>"))),	# dot
                   column(1, uiOutput("Formeld")),			# parameter of item d
                   column(1, h4(HTML("<strong>&sdot;</strong>"))),	# dot
                   column(1, uiOutput("Formele")), br(), br()		# parameter of item e

             tabPanel("Exercise 4", br(),	       
   	       box(title = "The probability of the response pattern R
			 given the knowledge state K is:", solidHeader = TRUE,
			 status = "success",
		   HTML("<h5> R = {b,c,e} and K = {a,b}</h5>
			 <h5><b>P(R|K) = &#946;<sub>a</sub> &sdot; (1 -
			 &#946;<sub>b</sub>) &sdot; &#951;<sub>c</sub> &sdot; (1
			 - &#951;<sub>d</sub>) &sdot;
			 &#951;<sub>e</sub></b><br><br>"), textOutput("Ergebnis")),
# Select parametervalue to calculate P(R|K)
   box(title = "Select parameter values and see how P(R|K) changes.", 
       solidHeader = TRUE, status = "success",
       sliderInput("sa", HTML("Select a value for &#946;<sub>a</sub>"), # beta a
		 min = 0, max = 0.49, step = 0.01, value = 0.1),
       sliderInput("sc",  HTML("Select a value for &#951;<sub>c</sub>"), # eta c
		  min = 0, max = 0.49, step = 0.01, value = 0.25),
       sliderInput("se",  HTML("Select a value for &#951;<sub>e</sub>"), # eta e
		  min = 0, max = 0.49, step = 0.01, value = 0.45)     
       sliderInput("sb", HTML("Select a value for  &#946;<sub>b</sub>"),# beta b
		  min = 0, max = 0.49, step = 0.01, value = 0.15), 
       sliderInput("sd",  HTML("Select a value for &#951;<sub>d</sub>"), # eta d
		  min = 0, max = 0.49, step = 0.01, value = 0.35)



server <- function(input, output){
# Output zu 1) 
  pro <- reactiveValues(data = numeric(14), work = numeric(14))

output$progressBox <- renderInfoBox({
      "Solved", paste(round(sum(pro$data)/0.14, 0), "%"),  
      icon = icon("check", lib = "glyphicon"),
      color = "green"

output$workedBox <- renderInfoBox({
      "Attempted", paste(round(sum(pro$work)/0.14, 0), "%"),  
      icon = icon("pencil", lib = "glyphicon"),
      color = "yellow"

output$rightworkedBox <- renderInfoBox({
    if(round(sum(pro$data)/sum(pro$work)*100) == "NaN"){
      infoBox("", HTML("
        Solved/ <br> Attempted"),
        paste(0, "%"),  
        icon = icon("thumbs-up", lib = "glyphicon"),
        color = "blue"
        paste(round(sum(pro$data)/sum(pro$work)*100), "%"),  
        icon = icon("thumbs-up", lib = "glyphicon"),
        color = "blue")

# lucky guess	
  output$RW <- renderText({
    if(input$RW == "eta"){
      pro$data[1] <- 1
      pro$work[1] <- 1    
      HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5> ")
    # right
    else if(input$RW == 'so'){pro$data[1] <- 0
	    pro$work[1] <- 0    
    # nothing chosen
    else{pro$data[1] <- 0
    	    pro$work[1] <- 1
	    HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
	        <b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")	 
    # wrong		
# careless error
  output$LF <- renderText({
    if(input$LF == "beta"){
      pro$data[2] <- 1
      pro$work[2] <- 1    
      HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
    else if(input$LF == 'so'){
	    pro$data[2] <- 0
	    pro$work[2] <- 0
	    pro$data[2] <- 0
	    pro$work[2] <- 1
	    HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
	         <b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}	
# correct
  output$R<- renderText({
    if(input$R == "Nbeta"){
      pro$data[3] <- 1
      pro$work[3] <- 1 
      HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
    else if(input$R == 'so'){
      pro$data[3] <- 0
      pro$work[3] <- 0
      pro$data[3] <- 0
      pro$work[3] <- 1
      HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
	       <b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}	
# wrong
  output$F <- renderText({
    if(input$F == "Neta"){
      pro$data[4] <- 1
      pro$work[4] <- 1
      HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
    else if(input$F == 'so'){
      pro$data[4] <- 0
      pro$work[4] <- 0
      pro$data[4] <- 0
      pro$work[4] <- 1
      HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
	   <b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}	

#==================Venn diagram
  output$Venn <- renderPlot({
# drawing circles	  
    par(pty="s", mai = c(0,0,0,0))
    plot(10, 10, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(7.9, 13), 
    symbols(c(9.5, 11.5), c(10, 10), circles=c(1.7, 1.7), add=TRUE,
            inches=FALSE, fg=c("orange", "blue"), lwd = 3)
# description for the circles 
    text(x = 8.2, y = 11, labels = "R", col = "orange", cex = 1.5)
    text(x = 12.8, y = 11, labels = "K", col = "blue", cex = 1.5)
# item a
    if(input$A == "r"){
      text(x = 9.1, y = 10.8, labels = "a", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
    }else if(input$A == "k"){
      text(x = 11.9, y = 10.8, labels = "a", col = "darkgreen", cex = 1.5)
    }else if(input$A == "kr"){
      text(x = 10.5, y = 10.6, labels = "a", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
    }else if(input$A == "nkr"){
      text(x = 10.9, y = 11.2, labels = "a", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
# item b
    if(input$B == "r"){
      text(x = 8.9, y = 10.4, labels = "b", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
    }else if(input$B == "k"){
      text(x = 12.2, y = 10.4, labels = "b", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
    }else if(input$B == "kr"){
      text(x = 10.3, y = 10.4, labels = "b", col = "darkgreen", cex = 1.5)
    }else if(input$B == "nkr"){
      text(x = 10.7, y = 11.3, labels = "b", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
# item c
    if(input$C == "r"){
      text(x = 9, y = 10, labels = "c", col = "darkgreen", cex = 1.5)
    }else if(input$C == "k"){
      text(x = 12.1, y = 10, labels = "c", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
    }else if(input$C == "kr"){
      text(x = 10.4, y = 10, labels = "c", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
    }else if(input$C == "nkr"){
      text(x = 10.5, y = 11.1, labels = "c", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
# item d
    if(input$D == "r"){
      text(x = 9, y = 9.6, labels = "d", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
    }else if(input$D == "k"){
      text(x = 12, y = 9.6, labels = "d", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
    }else if(input$D == "kr"){
      text(x = 10.5, y = 9.6, labels = "d", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
    }else if(input$D == "nkr"){
      text(x = 10.3, y = 11.2, labels = "d", col = "darkgreen", cex = 1.5)
# item e
    if(input$E == "r"){
      text(x = 9.3, y = 9.2, labels = "e", col = "darkgreen", cex = 1.5)
    }else if(input$E == "k"){
      text(x = 11.7, y = 9.2, labels = "e", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
    }else if(input$E == "kr"){
      text(x = 10.6, y = 9.3, labels = "e", col = "red", cex = 1.5)
    }else if(input$E == "nkr"){
      text(x = 10.1, y = 11.2, labels = "e", col = "red", cex = 1.5)

#==================== sets (K,R)
 output$Mengen <- renderUI({  
   MeR1 <- MeR2 <- MeR3 <- MeR4 <- MeR5 <- ""
   MeK1 <- MeK2 <- MeK3 <- MeK4 <- MeK5 <- ""
# Item a   
   if(input$A == "k"){
      MeK1 <- HTML("<span style='color:green'>a</span style>")
   }else if(input$A == "kr"){
      MeK1 <- HTML("<span style='color:green'>a</span style>")
      MeR1 <- HTML("<span style='color:red'>a</span style>")
   }else if(input$A == "r"){
      MeR1 <- HTML("<span style='color:red'>a</span style>")
# Item b   
   if(input$B == "k"){
     MeK2 <- HTML("<span style='color:green'>b</span style> ") 
   }else if(input$B == "kr"){
     MeK2 <- HTML("<span style='color:green'>b</span style>") 
     MeR2 <- HTML("<span style='color:green'>b</span style>")
   }else if(input$B == "r"){
     MeR2 <- HTML("<span style='color:green'>b</span style>")
# Item c   
   if(input$C == "k"){
     MeK3 <- HTML("<span style='color:red'>c</span style>") 
   }else if(input$C == "kr"){
     MeK3 <- HTML("<span style='color:red'>c</span style>") 
     MeR3 <- HTML("<span style='color:green'>c</span style>")
   }else if(input$C == "r"){
     MeR3 <- HTML("<span style='color:green'>c</span style>")
# Item d   
   if(input$D == "k"){
     MeK4 <- HTML("<span style='color:red'>d</span style>") 
   }else if(input$D == "kr"){
     MeK4 <- HTML("<span style='color:red'>d</span style>") 
     MeR4 <- HTML("<span style='color:red'>d</span style>")
   }else if(input$D == "r"){
     MeR4 <- HTML("<span style='color:red'>d</span style>")
# Item e   
   if(input$E == "k"){
     MeK5 <- HTML("<span style='color:red'>e</span style>") 
   }else if(input$E == "kr"){
     MeK5 <- HTML("<span style='color:red'>e</span style>") 
     MeR5 <- HTML("<span style='color:green'>e</span style>")
   }else if(input$E == "r"){
     MeR5 <- HTML("<span style='color:green'>e</span style>")

#========================= comma in K and R

   if(MeK1 != "" & MeK2 != ""|MeK1 != "" & MeK3 != ""|MeK1 != "" & MeK4 !=
      ""|MeK1 != "" & MeK5 != ""){
     k1 <- ","
   }else{k1 <- ""}
   if(MeK2 != "" & MeK3 != ""|MeK2 != "" & MeK4 != ""|
      MeK2 != "" & MeK5 != ""){
     k2 <- ","
   }else{k2 <- ""}
   if(MeK3 != "" & MeK4 != ""|MeK3 != "" & MeK5 != ""){
     k3 <- ","
   }else{k3 <- ""}
   if(MeK4 != "" & MeK5 != ""){
     k4 <- ","
   }else{k4 <- ""}

   if(MeR1 != "" & MeR2 != ""|MeR1 != "" & MeR3 != ""|MeR1 != "" & MeR4 !=
      ""|MeR1 != "" & MeR5 != ""){
     kR1 <- ","
   }else{kR1 <- ""}
   if(MeR2 != "" & MeR3 != ""|MeR2 != "" & MeR4 != ""|
      MeR2 != "" & MeR5 != ""){
     kR2 <- ","
   }else{kR2 <- ""}
   if(MeR3 != "" & MeR4 != ""|MeR3 != "" & MeR5 != ""){
     kR3 <- ","
   }else{kR3 <- ""}
   if(MeR4 != "" & MeR5 != ""){
     kR4 <- ","
   }else{kR4 <- ""}

# what will be shown
   h5(HTML("<b>K = {", MeK1, k1, MeK2, k2, MeK3, k3, MeK4, k4, MeK5), 
      HTML("}"), br(), br(),
      HTML("R = {", MeR1, kR1, MeR2, kR2, MeR3, kR3, MeR4, kR4, MeR5),

output$Venn2 <- renderPlot({
# drawing circles	  
    par(pty="s", mai = c(0,0,0,0))
    plot(10, 10, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(7.9, 13.1), 
    symbols(c(9.5, 11.5), c(10, 10), circles=c(1.7, 1.7), add=TRUE,
            inches=FALSE, fg=c("orange", "blue"), lwd = 3)
# description for the circles 
    text(x = 8.2, y = 11, labels = "R", col = "orange", cex = 1.5)
    text(x = 12.8, y = 11, labels = "K", col = "blue", cex = 1.5)
# item a
    text(x = 11.9, y = 10.8, labels = "a", col = "darkgreen", cex = 1.5)

# item b
    text(x = 10.3, y = 10.4, labels = "b", col = "darkgreen", cex = 1.5)
# item c
    text(x = 9, y = 10, labels = "c", col = "darkgreen", cex = 1.5)
# item d
    text(x = 10.3, y = 11.2, labels = "d", col = "darkgreen", cex = 1.5)
# item e
    text(x = 9.3, y = 9.2, labels = "e", col = "darkgreen", cex = 1.5)

# answer to selectInput 
# item a  
  output$Itema <- renderText({
    if(input$A == "k"){
      pro$data[5] <- 1
      pro$work[5] <- 1
      HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
    }else if(input$A == "so"){
      pro$data[5] <- 0
      pro$work[5] <- 0
      pro$data[5] <- 0
      pro$work[5] <- 1
      HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
	   <b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
# item b
   output$Itemb <- renderText({
    if(input$B == "kr"){
      pro$data[6] <- 1
      pro$work[6] <- 1
      HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
    }else if(input$B == "so"){
      pro$data[6] <- 0
      pro$work[6] <- 0
      pro$data[6] <- 0
      pro$work[6] <- 1
      HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
	   <b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
# item c
   output$Itemc <- renderText({
    if(input$C == "r"){
      pro$data[7] <- 1
      pro$work[7] <- 1
      HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
    }else if(input$C == "so"){
      pro$data[7] <- 0
      pro$work[7] <- 0
      pro$data[7] <- 0
      pro$work[7] <- 1
      HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
	   <b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
# item d
   output$Itemd <- renderText({
    if(input$D == "nkr"){
      pro$data[8] <- 1
      pro$work[8] <- 1
      HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
    }else if(input$D == "so"){
      pro$data[8] <- 0
      pro$work[8] <- 0
      pro$data[8] <- 0
      pro$work[8] <- 1	    
      HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'><b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
# item e
 output$Iteme <- renderText({
    if(input$E == "r"){
      pro$data[9] <- 1
      pro$work[9] <- 1
      HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
    }else if(input$E == "so"){
      pro$data[9] <- 0
      pro$work[9] <- 0
      pro$data[9] <- 0
      pro$work[9] <- 1
      HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'><b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
# calculate result
 output$Ergebnis <- renderText({
    X <- input$sa*(1-input$sb)*input$sc*(1-input$sd)*input$se
    paste("P(R|K) = ", round(X, digits = 4) )

#=============================Action button answer
# Item a
  observeEvent(input$aa, {
    output$Formel1 <- renderUI({
        Fa <- if(input$a == "LF"){
		pro$data[10] <- 1
      		pro$work[10] <- 1
		HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
	  pro$data[10] <- 0
      	  pro$work[10] <- 1
          HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
	       <b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}

# Item b
  observeEvent(input$ab, {
    output$Formel2 <- renderText({
	Fb <- if(input$b == "r"){
		pro$data[11] <- 1
      		pro$work[11] <- 1
		HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
		pro$data[11] <- 0
      		pro$work[11] <- 1
		HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
		<b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
# Item c
  observeEvent(input$ac, {
    output$Formel3 <- renderText({
	Fc <- if(input$c == "RW"){
		pro$data[12] <- 1
      		pro$work[12] <- 1
		HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
		pro$data[12] <- 0
      		pro$work[12] <- 1
		HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
		     <b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
# Item d
  observeEvent(input$ad, {
    output$Formel4 <- renderText({
	Fd <- if(input$d == "f"){
		pro$data[13] <- 1
      		pro$work[13] <- 1
		HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
		pro$data[13] <- 0
      		pro$work[13] <- 1
		HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
		     <b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
# Item e
  observeEvent(input$ae, {
    output$Formel5 <- renderText({
	Fe <- if(input$e == "RW"){
		pro$data[14] <- 1
      		pro$work[14] <- 1
		HTML("<h5 style='color:green' align='left'><b>Great!</b></h5>")
		pro$data[14] <- 0
      		pro$work[14] <- 1
		HTML("<h5 style ='color:red' align='left'>
		     <b>Wrong! Try again!</b></h5>")}
#==================================== P(R|K)
# Item a
  observeEvent(input$aa, {				       
    output$Formela <- renderText({
	Fa <- if(input$a == "LF"){
	  HTML("<h4 style='color:green' align='left'>
	else{HTML("<h4 style='color:red' align='left'><b> ? </b></h4>")}
# Item b
  observeEvent(input$ab, {				       
    output$Formelb <- renderText({
	Fb <- if(input$b == "r"){
	  HTML("<h4 style='color:green' align='left'>
	       <b>(1 - &#946;<sub>b</sub>)</b></h4>")}
	else{HTML("<h4 style='color:red' align='left'><b> ? </b></h4>")}
# Item c
  observeEvent(input$ac, {				       
    output$Formelc <- renderText({
	Fc <- if(input$c == "RW"){
	  HTML("<h4 style='color:green' align='left'>
	else{HTML("<h4 style='color:red' align='left'><b> ? </b></h4>")}
# Item d
  observeEvent(input$ad, {				       
    output$Formeld <- renderText({
	Fd <- if(input$d == "f"){
	  HTML("<h4 style='color:green' align='left'>
	        <b>(1 - &#951;<sub>d</sub>)</b></h4>")}
	else{HTML("<h4 style='color:red' align='left'><b> ? </b></h4>")}
# Item e
  observeEvent(input$ae, {				       
    output$Formele <- renderText({
	Fe <- if(input$e == "RW"){
	  HTML("<h4 style='color:green' align='left'>
	else{HTML("<h4 style='color:red' align='left'><b> ? </b></h4>")}


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)